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Taking Scope: The Natural Semantics of Quantifiers (MIT Press) By Mark Steedman
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Steedman's book is one grand argument for scope interpretation being a matter of natural logic whose basic idea is that linguistic structure is the vehicle of inference. Recasting most quantifiers as underspecified Skolem terms allows syntax to compute the attested scope relations on-line. Steedman sets syntax and semantics in the context of human sentence processing as well as the efficient statistical parsing of corpora. One of the most impressive and thought-provoking books on language in many years.
(Anna Szabolcsi, Department of Linguistics, New York University) About the Author
Mark Steedman is Professor of Cognitive Science in the Division of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of Surface Structure and Interpretation (1996) and The Syntactic Process (2000), both published by the MIT Press.
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